var buttons = [{ label: 'Закрыть', cssClass: 'btn-default', action: function (dialogRef) { dialogRef.close(); } }]; // Floating label headings for the contact form $(function () { $('form#frmSMS').validator({ custom: { selected: function ($el) { // var matchValue = $"selected") if ($el.val() == 0) { return true; } } }, }).on('submit', function (e) { if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) { e.preventDefault(); try { yaCounter11248987.reachGoal('promo_sms_gift'); } catch (e) { } // Get the form instance var $form = $(; var b = $("input[type=submit][clicked=true]", $form); b.button('loading'); // Use Ajax to submit form data $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize(), 'json') .done(function (result) { var $msg = $(""); $.each(result.messages, function (id, message) { $msg.append('
  • ' + message + '
  • '); }); if (result.error === true || result.error === 'true') { var dialogInstance ={ type: BootstrapDialog.TYPE_WARNING, title: 'Упс...', message: $msg, buttons: buttons }); } else { var dialogInstance ={ type: BootstrapDialog.TYPE_SUCCESS, title: 'Получилось!', message: $msg, buttons: buttons }); $form.trigger("reset"); $("select#city option[value=0]").attr("selected", "selected"); } }) .fail(function (result) { // console.log(result); var dialogInstance ={ type: BootstrapDialog.TYPE_DANGER, title: 'Упс...', message: 'На сервере произошла ошибка, перезагрузите страницу и попробуйте еще раз!', buttons: buttons }); }) .always(function () { b.button('reset'); }); } }); ymaps.ready(init); function init() { var cities = ymaps.geoQuery({ type: 'FeatureCollection', features: [ { type: 'Feature', properties: {name: 'Екатеринбург', city_id: 12 }, geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [56.850373,60.614488]} }, { type: 'Feature', properties: {name: 'Саратов', city_id: 133 }, geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [51.536544676720276,46.01062864715192]} }, ] }); ymaps.geolocation.get().then(function (res) { var obj = cities.getClosestTo(res.geoObjects.get(0)); console.log('city_id')); $("#city").val('city_id')).change(); }, function (e) { console.log('Не удалось установить местоположение'); }); } });